

To celebrate and promote Kershaw County’s role in the American Revolution by educating, engaging, and inspiring our citizens and visitors of today and for generations to come.  The committee is sanctioned by the South Carolina American Revolution Sestercentennial Commission and endorsed through formal resolution by Kershaw County Council as its official County 250 Committee.


  • Commemoration – Discover and celebrate Kershaw County’s Revolutionary Era, its significant people, places, principals, and events. To ensure this history is remembered for future generations.
  • Markers & Monuments – Interpret, preserve, and make accessible Revolutionary scholarship and sites in Kershaw County
  • Education – Educate Kershaw County residents and our visitors about our community’s role in the American Revolution.
  • Publicity – Support and promote research and cultural heritage tourism as well as support and promote local 250th anniversary events, arts, preservation, heritage tourism infrastructure, and corresponding economic development.

The KC 250th Committee

A big thanks to our incredible team of history lovers, revolutionary war buffs and Kershaw County residents for leading the charge to help celebrate and tell the story of Kershaw County’s role in the American Revolutionary War.

John Miller, Kershaw County Historical Society

Sarah Murray, Camden Archives and Museum

Melissa Brazell Emmons, Mayor, Town of Elgin

Alfred Mae Drakeford, Mayor, City of Camden

Susan Trimnal Holley, Mayor, Town of Bethune

Sammi Tucker, Kershaw County Councilperson

Nancy Neal, Hobkirk Hill DAR

Tom Oblak, Southern Campaign 1780

Julie Putnam, Kershaw County School District

Southwick C. Briggs, Historic Camden Foundation

Hope Cooper

Rickie Good, Revolutionary War Visitor Center

Glen Inabinet, American Legion Representative

Joan Inabinet, Kershaw County Historical Society

David Reuwer, SC Battleground Preservation Trust

Rick Wise, SC Battleground Preservation Trust

Lauren Reeder, Kershaw County Public Information Officer

Harvey Galloway

Lauren Decker, Kershaw County Library

Joanna Craig, City of Camden Councilperson

Kat Spadacenta, City of Camden

Rhett Adams

Stacey Ferguson, Historic Camden Foundation