And the Revolution was born…
In the Camden District, 1774 was the birth of the Revolution.
Step back in time with us as we celebrate a
Simply Revolutionary month in November 2024.
Explore and register for any of these great events below here.

November 1-3 – Camden District Resolves
“Resolved to maintain our Constitutional Rights at the hazard of our lives and fortunes.”
On November 5th, 1774, Justice William Henry Drayton delivered a speech on the “Rights of Man under the Law”, arguing that there should be no taxation without the consent of the citizens, to the Camden Grand Jury. His words resonated throughout the back country of South Carolina, and a “mini Declaration of Independence” was submitted to the British government.
Witness the reenactment of the 1774 Grand Jury Presentment, laying forth the principles for revolution two years before the Declaration of Independence, hosted by Camden’s Revolutionary War Visitor Center. Explore the Historic Camden Colonial Village, Kershaw County battlegrounds, and Landmarks.
November 8-10 – Carolinas Revolutionary War Weekend & Battle Reenactments
The Southern Campaign 1780‘s Reenactment is one of the largest in the nation, featuring hundreds of living historians portraying Crown and Patriot soldiers, along with 18th century craftsmen and merchants. Witness daily mock battles Saturday and Sunday, complete with cavalry, cannons, and cracking muskets. This Kershaw County tradition brings in reenactors and spectators from the Midwest, New England, and the Deep South.
Sample revolutionary BBQ during the aptly named Battle of Camden BBQ Festival Friday night and Saturday on the Historic Camden Foundation campus.

November 15-17 – Colonial Cup Weekend
Experience Camden and all it has to offer, as we celebrate the return of the Colonial Cup, one of the premiere steeplechase races of the season. The 49th running of the Marion duPont Scott Colonial Cup Races will take place on Sunday, November 17. The Colonial Cup, starting in 1970, was Mrs. Scott’s idea, and it became the first international steeplechase run in the United States with a purse of $100,000.
Look for events leading up to the main event in the Downtown Camden Cultural District and elsewhere.